
continue waiting中文什么意思

发音:   用"continue waiting"造句
  • 继 续 等 待
  • continue:    vi. 1.连续,继续;延伸。 2.仍旧,依旧,留。 短 ...
  • waiting:    n. 等,等候,等待;侍候,服侍。 in waiting ...
  • continue:    vi. 1.连续,继续;延伸。 2.仍旧,依旧,留。 The rain continued all day. 雨终日不停。 The door continued to bang all night. 这门砰当砰当地响了一晚上。 He continued at his post. 他留任原职。 continue at school 留校。 continue in command. 继续担任指挥。 continue on page 20. 下接20页。 vt. 接续,继续;使留任;延续,延长;【法律】使(诉讼)延期。 To be continued. 待续。 continue a boy at school 使孩子继续求学。
  • no waiting:    不准等候; 不准停车等候
  • waiting:    n. 等,等候,等待;侍候,服侍。 in waiting 侍奉(王室)的 ( a lady-in-waiting 侍从女官。 a lord in waiting 侍从)。
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  1. The camera & the tripod already set up , the idiot continue wait at the corridor
  2. Neertheless , particularly in the united states , where continued waiting list priority depends on maintaining hcc within milan criteria , use of nonsurgical hcc treatment will likely continue in an effort to forestall tumor progression and waiting list drop - out



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  7. continue-any mode 什么意思
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